Thank you IPAY!
/On behalf of everyone at Axis, we'd like to give a big THANK YOU to the International Performing Arts for Youth and everyone who came out to support us this weekend. Our stellar performers and our lovable puppet Mr. Hatch had a wonderful Show Spotlight Showcase on Saturday afternoon. We've received so much amazing feedback from our industry peers and we can't wait for this show to embark on it's first tour across BC later this year. But perhaps the highlight of IPAY for us was visiting with the incomparable Eileen Spinelli, author of SOMEBODY LOVES YOU, MR. HATCH.
"Dear Chris and friends at Axis Theater,
What a joy it was to meet you --and to
see how brilliantly you've brought Mr.
Hatch alive. We are over the moon.
Thank you too for the card and your
sweet notes, the lovely wine and heart-
shaped box of candy.
We very much hope to see the full
production some day.
For now....warmest hugs across the
many miles xoxox"
- Eileen Spinelli
Eileen, it was such a pleasure to meet you and our hearts are warmed by your kind words. We love your work and we are so thrilled that you are pleased with our's. Best wishes to you and your family!