Support for Schools and Artists
‘Artists in Education’ Grant in Education grants support artistic programming in schools across BC, including performances, workshops and residencies.
Who can apply: This district-level grant is allocated to all BC school districts, the Federation of Independent School Associations and the First Nations Schools Association. Each allocation considers the number of schools, number of students and geographic location of each district or association.
‘Artists in the Classroom’ Grant in the Classroom grants bring professional artists into schools for rich learning experiences.
Who can apply: Artists, Teachers, Principals and PAC Representatives can apply for Artists in the Classroom (AIC) Grants to bring professional artists into the classrooms. Through AIC, artists and educators collaborate to expand the role of arts in education and activate learning for young people across BC. AIC Grants support projects in schools across BC that demonstrate artistic impact, strong curricular connections, high levels of student engagement and an active partnership between educators and professional artists.
See all Artstarts Grants:
See Axis’ Artstarts rates: -
Daytrippers funds trips for grade 1-8 students in lower-income and far-reaching areas so they can experience nationally recognized educational and cultural institutions.
Application Criteria:
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La francophonie canadienne vit à travers l’expression culturelle et l’enthousiasme des jeunes. Le programme PassepART est une initiative pancanadienne qui vise à encourager les partenariats entre les écoles francophones en situation minoritaire et les organismes artistiques, culturels et communautaires grâce à du microfinancement.
Il s’agit là d’une occasion en or pour augmenter la portée de la francophonie au Canada en stimulant ce qui en fait toute la richesse! PassepART donne les moyens de créer de nouvelles expériences en français pour les jeunes par le biais d’activités artistiques, culturelles et patrimoniales.
Chacune des écoles de la francophonie canadienne a ainsi droit à chaque année à une microsubvention de 1 500 $ ! Les microsubventions sont directement octroyées aux organismes admissibles qui auront établi un partenariat avec une ou plusieurs écoles admissibles.
Comment faire une proposition: